Ravike Prasanga (2024) is a comedy drama film directed by Santhosh Kodenkeri and starring Geetha Bharathi Bhat, Suman Ranganathan, Rakesh Maiya, and Sampath Maitreya. The film's music is composed by Vinay Sharma while cinematography is done by N Muralidhar and edited by Raghu Shivaram.
Ravike Prasanga Cast & Crew
Starcast | Geetha Bharathi Bhat, Suman Ranganathan, Rakesh Maiya, Sampath Maitreya, Padmaja Rao, Praveen Atharva |
Directed by | Santhosh Kodenkeri |
Written by | Pavana Santhosh |
Produced by | Santhosh Kodenkeri |
Cinematography | N Muralidhar |
Edited by | Raghu Shivaram |
Music by | Vinay Sharma |
Theatrical Release Date | 16 February 2024 |
Language | Kannada |
Running Time | 2h 18m |