Pepe (2024) is an action thriller film directed by Shreelesh S Nair and starring Vinay Rajkumar in lead role. The film's music is composed by Poornachandra Tejaswi while cinematography is done by Abhishek G Kasaragod and edited by Manu Shedgar.
Pepe Cast, Crew and Release Date
Starcast | Vinay Rajkumar, Mayur Patel, Naveen D Padil, Yash Shetty, Kaajal Kunder, Medini Kelamane, Raviprasad Mandya, Kitty Sridhar, Shashidhar Bhat, Bala Rajwadi, Aruna Balraj, Sandya Arekere & others |
Directed by | Shreelesh S Nair. |
Written by | Shreelesh S Nair. |
Produced by | Uday Shankar S & B.M. Sriram Kolar |
Cinematography | Abhishek G Kasaragod |
Edited by | Manu Shedgar |
Music by | Poornachandra Tejaswi |
Release Date | 9 October 2024 |
Language | Malayalam |
Running Time | 2h 01m |