Swarasiyam (2024) is a suspense thriller film directed by Sachin Shetty and starring Pramod Shetty, Siri Prahlad, Prasad Cherkady and Abhimanyu Prajwal in lead roles. The film's music is composed by Sean Gonsalves-Sanath Balkur while cinematography is done by Yogesh Gowda and edited by B. S. Kemparaju. The film is tamil dubbed version of Kannada film Ondu Shikariya Kathe (2020).
Swarasiyam (2024) Cast, Crew and Release Date
Starcast | Pramod Shetty, Siri Prahlad, Prasad Cherkady, Abhimanyu Prajwal, M.K. Mata, Sripriya & others |
Directed by | Sachin Shetty |
Written by | Sachin Shetty |
Produced by | Sachin Shetty & Rajeev Shetty |
Cinematography | Yogesh Gowda |
Edited by | B. S. Kemparaju |
Music by | Sean Gonsalves, Sanath Balkur |
Release Date | 12 November 2024 |
Language | Tamil |
Running Time | 2h 10m |